Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ok...attempt #2...I think this will be better.

So, some friends and I were talking today and I have discovered that I am really more nervous about being a mom than I thought. There are so many outside influences that affect our children and mold them into the teens and adults they will become, that parents have no control over. I have a really difficult time dealing with this. My first reaction to this is to want to keep my kids in a bubble where nothing can hurt them or lead them away from the Lord, but then I think about it and that is the worst thing I could do. That will just make them crazy and rebellious teens or young adults. So, how do I deal with this??? The only thing I have come up with is prayer. Prayer for me not to hold so tightly to my kids, prayer for my kids to have a tender heart and a desire to live as Christ would have them live, and prayer for Mike and me as parents to know how much to hold on and when to let go.....well, that's probably mostly for me :) Thankfully, we are well matched and he helps keep my worries in check. Praise the Lord I have a husband who strives to follow God, and has a desire to raise our family according to scripture.


  1. You are getting the hang of it! :)

  2. This is so true and I can tell you coming from a non christian marriage to a christian one that having a husband that follows the Lord just like you is one of the most important parts to raising a child. It won't be easy to raise a child but getting through the hard times when you have God around makes it 10 times easier for all in the family. I commend you for giving God the credit he so deserves. :)
